Are you a keen photographer?
If so, we have a very exciting competition running for the next month. The theme is ‘light’, and we want you to be as creative as you like. Selfies, action shots or abstract photos, anything goes!
The closing date is midnight, 11th August, so you have until then to inundate us with your best shots. Send your entries to with a little caption to describe your photo to us – we can’t wait to hear from you!
Mike Lester Photography has provided some incredible prizes, which are a must for all budding photographers wanting to improve their skills and learn new techniques.
Whether it’s funny, poignant or a selfie, send us your entries. Just make sure that the theme is ‘light’. Winners will be announced on the 15th August.
The winner and runner-up will win these amazing prizes:
1st Prize: 50% off a 5 week photography course for beginners:
2nd Prize: 50% off a 3 hour photography course for beginners:
Terms and conditions apply*
Mike Lester is a brilliant photographer and we’re very excited to be working with him. Check out his website and follow him on Twitter @MikeLesterPhoto
*Vouchers will be limited to 1 place per course, have no monetary value and will be accepted for 3 months for date of issue. Places on the course must be booked online by the customer using the voucher code. Places are subject to availability.
Published 2014/07/14