Fluorescent Tube

On average, we are 30% cheaper than our online competitors on branded Fluorescent Tubes - & 200% cheaper than B&Q!

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Massive stock available to order now! Free Next Day Delivery - All Orders Over £40

Fluorescent Tubes: BLT Direct Lamp Shop Online Light Bulbs Direct The Lamp Company Lyco B&Q
2ft 18w T8 Tube £2.02 £0.72p £24.99(25) £1.63 £1.25 £4.17
4ft 36w T8 Tube £2.09 £0.85p £28.00(25) £1.78 £1.61 £5.00
5ft 58w T8 Tube £2.49 £0.99p £38.00(25) £1.61 £1.70 £5.83
6ft 70w T8 Tube £4.99 £2.19 £69.91(25) £3.75 £2.96 £6.66
14w T5 Tube £2.99 £0.90p N/A £1.52 £2.15 N/A
21w T5 Tube £3.99 £1.30 N/A £1.92 £2.15 £4/17
35w T5 Tube £4.49 £1.45 N/A £2.02 £2.15 N/A
8ft 100w T12  £21.99 £7.99 N/A £360.00(25) N/A N/A

*Prices as of 04/07/16

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